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  • The importance of a healthy and balanced diet comes in maintaining the health of all internal and external organs of the human body, and each part of our body has certain characteristics, and therefore foods that benefit it as a whole must be added.
  • According to studies, people who follow a diet rich in dairy products, especially low-fat, have fewer colon cancer cells than those who follow a traditional diet.

    The protective effect of milk and its derivatives is partly due to its calcium content.

    The same studies have suggested that casein and lactose in milk may also increase the bioavailability of calcium, but several other components in dairy products, such as vitamin D and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), play a role in protecting against colon cancer.

  • Improving vision for the elderly, because it contains many vitamins, the most important of which are vitamin A and vitamin B.

    Milk contains a high percentage of potassium, which works to reduce high blood pressure and expand blood vessels.

    Milk contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of heart disease.

    Milk contains vitamins B2, B6 and B12, all of which are necessary for the vitality of the body, blood circulation and hair.

  • Sed tincidunt lacus risus, eget suscipit sapien feugiat ac. Maecenas vitae accumsan odio, at venenatis libero. Suspendisse viverra placerat eros in venenatis.
  • Vestibulum interdum ex eu dignissim eleifend. Morbi molestie libero orci, volutpat pulvinar ipsum efficitur non. Aliquam ut ligula augue. Pellentesque vel velit nec turpis fermentum consectetur a non sapien.
  • Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus imperdiet, quam sit amet convallis tempor, nisl metus aliquet magna, et imperdiet nibh diam vel elit. Phasellus mollis ac augue sed varius.
  • In general, despite the many benefits of milk for elderly people, especially those over the age of fifty, many of this category do not take the amount they need correctly, as according to international recommendations, the amount of milk that people over the age of fifty should consume is Three to four servings of dairy products per day, which is equivalent to three to four cups of milk or yogurt per day and is equivalent to thirty to sixty grams of cheese.
  • In general, despite the many benefits of milk for adults, women or men, many of this group do not take the amount of milk they need correctly.

    According to international recommendations, the amount of milk that people over the age of fifty should consume is three to four servings of dairy products per day, which is equivalent to three to four cups of milk per day and is equivalent to thirty to sixty grams of cheese.

    For adults, that is, those over the age of 18, they need at least a cup per day, while the expectant mother needs 4 cups of milk daily to meet the calcium needs of her body and fetus.

  • The benefits of consuming powdered milk, whether for children or adults, have become known, and information on this topic has become abundant and available to everyone on social media, websites, and others.

    However, the best time to drink milk for different age groups was not mentioned before, and in general there are many theories that revolve around the best time to drink milk depending on the requirements of the body, and the best time to drink milk is in the evening, because it is heavy on digestion, which may make you feel full for a while In addition, it helps in revitalizing your body during rest, stimulating sleep and calming nerves, but its consumption in the morning may cause bloating.

  • Milk is very important in the prevention of high blood pressure, diabetes and certain types of cancers, such as colon and breast cancer.

    The amount of milk that the body needs varies according to the age group in which the person is, and it is as follows:

    Infants up to 6 months, it is preferable for infants of this age to consume breast milk unless there is an objection to it. They are fed with powdered milk in abundant quantities and every three hours approximately

    For children, it is recommended to eat 1500 mg, or about 5 cups of powdered milk or its derivatives.

    For young people and adults, it is recommended to eat 1000 mg, or about 3 cups of powdered milk or its derivatives, daily.

    As for pregnant women and elderly people, they should consume 5 cups of powdered milk or its derivatives daily.